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ACS National Meetings

253rd ACS National Meeting

San Francisco, CA, April 2-6, 2017


252nd ACS National Meeting

Philadelphia, PA, August 21-25, 2016


251st ACS National Meeting

San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2016


250th ACS National Meeting

Boston, MA, August 16-20, 2015


249th ACS National Meeting

Denver, CO, March 22-26, 2015


248th ACS National Meeting

San Francisco, CA, August 10-14, 2014


247th ACS National Meeting

Dallas, TX, March 16-20, 2014








Spring 2024 Reports

The Treasurer’s report and supporting documents are available under “Reports”. https://www.nucl-acs.org/?page_id=42 The Business Meeting and Executive Committee Minutes are also available under “Reports”. https://www.nucl-acs.org/?page_id=40

NUCL Division meeting ACS Spring 2024 Meeting – 19 Mar 24 Room 338 Convention Center, NOLA

Business Meeting Minutes.

The Many Flavors of LGBTQ+ Research in Nuclear Chemistry (Spring 2024 National Meeting Notes)

Please see the summary from this symposium below.

April 2023 Newsletter

Spring Business Meeting and Flyers

Please join us for our Business meeting in the Chamber room on the 1st floor of the Westin Hotel at 7pm on March 28th followed by the division social at 8:30 pm at the District Tap (141 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN …

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Fall Meeting Abstract Extension

The ACS Fall 2022 submission deadline, previously scheduled for March 14, will be extended to Tuesday, March 29, 11:59 PM ET

Spring Business Meeting

The business meeting will take place in a hybrid format during the Spring meeting, Tu 3/22/2022, 7-8PM PT. The F2F meeting will take place in the Marriott Grand Ballroom Section 11. If you desire to attend via Zoom, please check …

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Spring 2022 Abstract Deadline

SPRING 2022–San Diego, CA March 20-24 Theme: Bonding Through Chemistry The 263rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition will be held March 20-24, 2022 in San Diego, CA.  Please contact Tara Mastren (Tara.Mastren@utah.edu) if you have any questions. The deadline for abstract …

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NUCL Business Meeting

Dear NUCL members,  Given the format of the Fall ACS meeting, we were unable to hold our NUCL Business Meeting at that time.  Therefore, I invite all members to participate in our virtual NUCL Business meeting on Sunday, October 25, 2020 at …

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Abstract Extension – Spring ACS NUCL

Dear NUCL Division Members, The NUCL Division abstract deadline for the Spring 2019 National ACS Meeting has been extended to Friday, November 2. Please note that the Call for Papers webpage will not reflect the extended deadline until tonight’s update. …

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