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January 2025 Newsletter

DOE/ACS – Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools

The Department of Energy has funded these long running summer schools. Currently stipends are $4,000 for these 6-week summer schools, and students can also earn college credits.  The dates for 2025 are June 16 – July 25The deadline for completed applications is February 13th, 2025*.  Apply here.

For more information, please view the webpage, or contact:

Professor Lynn C. Francesconi
Hunter College of the City University of New York
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-772-5353
FAX: 212-772-5332

*Revised date

Research Scientist – NY Dept of Health

There is an opening for a radiochemist in the New York State Department of Health.

The Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry (LINC) is a fully accredited laboratory responsible for monitoring New York State’s nuclear power plants, responding to requests for radiological laboratory support for statewide incidents, participating to radiological emergency response activities, and protecting the food supply from harmful radioactive contamination. A Research Scientist is needed to provide technical and scientific support for nuclear regulatory matters and oversee day-to day quality assurance for all radioactivity measurements in environmental and food samples.

For more information or to apply, please visit: https://statejobs.ny.gov/public/vacancyDetailsView.cfm?id=179326

Research Scientist/Engineer – University of Washington

Radiopharmaceutical Chemist – the Molecular Radiotherapy Research Laboratory in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Washington is seeking a passionate and dedicated candidate to join their team in the capacity of Research Scientist/Engineer, focusing on radiopharmaceutical chemistry. This role, ranging from RSE II to III depending on the qualifications and experience of the candidate, is pivotal to their interdisciplinary collaborative research efforts. Preference will be given to candidates with a background in synthetic chemistry, antibody conjugation and radiochemistry. They will also provide all necessary training to ensure the successful candidate is equipped to excel in this role.

To apply or for more information please visit https://uwhires.admin.washington.edu/ENG/Candidates/default.cfm?szCategory=jobprofile&szOrderID=242637

Membership Drive – Final Week!

If you aren’t already, please consider joining ACS and registering as a member of your local section.

IAEA – Radioactive Waste Predisposal Specialist(P4)

To apply or for more information, visit https://iaea.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2024/0603%20(014832)&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Europe%2FVienna

Posting closes 27 November, 2024.

Faculty Position – UW-La Crosse

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL) http://www.uwlax.edu/Chemistry-and-Biochemistry/ is seeking a dynamic teacher-scholar at the Assistant Professor level to join its top-rated program in August 2025. The department strives to maintain an inclusive and collegial working and learning environment for our faculty, staff, and students, and we welcome applicants who share our commitment to these values. Our new colleague will teach lecture and laboratory courses in the core curriculum along with advanced elective courses in their areas of expertise. Applicants able to teach nuclear chemistry to nonmajors will be given special consideration.  We seek a scholar to develop an active research program involving undergraduates. Laboratory research expertise, which may include interdisciplinary areas, is preferred. Our department and college maintain a large array of modern instrumentation resources, including research and teaching laboratories in the state-of-the-art Prairie Springs Science Center, which houses the Radiation Center.

For more information or to apply, please visit https://employment.uwlax.edu/postings/18267

Faculty Position – U. Utah

The University of Utah’s Nuclear Engineering Program (UNEP) invites applications to immediately fill two full-time, tenure-track faculty positions in Nuclear Engineering with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2025. One of the positions is to be filled at the Assistant Professor level, and the other is open rank. Full and Associate Professor level applicants may be considered for the Energy Solutions Presidential Endowment. These positions are part of the University of Utah’s 2024 initiative to grow the Nuclear Engineering Program.

Post-Doc Position – TTU

The Department of Chemistry at Tennessee Tech University is currently seeking applicants for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Jesse D. Carrick. The successful applicant will work on a multidisciplinary project at the interface of separation science, and analytical, organic, and computational chemistry towards the development of heteroaryl Lewis basic complexants for selective minor actinide separations from used nuclear fuel.

For more information, please see the attachment. This position is open until filled.

Post-Doc Positions – UAB

Dr. Burns at the University of Alabama Birmingham is seeking two post-docs. Please see the attached ads.