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2012 NCSS Participants

2012 Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer School


San Jose State University

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Amanda Lathem Huntingdon College Jamie Daum Westminster College
Joelle Reiser Jamestown College Amanda Haymond George Mason
John Gray Georgia Tech Justin Vadas Earlham College
Amer Alkhouja Carnegie Mellon Daniel Mast St. Martin’s
Christopher Minter College of St. Scholastica Sarah Forman Brown
Annie Bonaccorso Brown Steven Truong St. John’s
Michael Delcau Truman State Scott Smith East Stroudsburg
John Herr Iowa Daniel Grigsby Iowa
Regina DiScipio Baldwin-Wallace College Julia Nell Trine
Kara McCullough South Carolina Steven Clark Brigham Young
Bernadette Schneider Oberlin College Anton Cottrill Vanderbilt
Jonathan Gish Utah State Clayton Dietz Central Washington

