Welcome to the new NUCL Home Page. The menu and sub-menus to the left will guide you to information about the Division’s activities, such as the Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools, symposia at the ACS National Meetings, other meetings related the the division members’ research, or other resources to learn more about the division. Please feel free to send suggestions and additions to any member of the website committee. You can view some of the most recently posted information below.
Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (NUCL) in the American Chemical Society
January 2025 Newsletter
DOE/ACS – Nuclear and Radiochemistry Summer Schools
The Department of Energy has funded these long running summer schools. Currently stipends are $4,000 for these 6-week summer schools, and students can also earn college credits. The dates for 2025 are June 16 – July 25. The deadline for …
Research Scientist – NY Dept of Health
There is an opening for a radiochemist in the New York State Department of Health. The Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry (LINC) is a fully accredited laboratory responsible for monitoring New York State’s nuclear power plants, responding to requests …
Research Scientist/Engineer – University of Washington
Radiopharmaceutical Chemist – the Molecular Radiotherapy Research Laboratory in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Washington is seeking a passionate and dedicated candidate to join their team in the capacity of Research Scientist/Engineer, focusing on radiopharmaceutical chemistry. …
Membership Drive – Final Week!
If you aren’t already, please consider joining ACS and registering as a member of your local section.
IAEA – Radioactive Waste Predisposal Specialist(P4)
To apply or for more information, visit https://iaea.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=2024/0603%20(014832)&tz=GMT%2B01%3A00&tzname=Europe%2FVienna Posting closes 27 November, 2024.
Faculty Position – UW-La Crosse
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL) http://www.uwlax.edu/Chemistry-and-Biochemistry/ is seeking a dynamic teacher-scholar at the Assistant Professor level to join its top-rated program in August 2025. The department strives to maintain an inclusive and collegial working …
Faculty Position – U. Utah
The University of Utah’s Nuclear Engineering Program (UNEP) invites applications to immediately fill two full-time, tenure-track faculty positions in Nuclear Engineering with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2025. One of the positions is to be filled at the …
Post-Doc Position – TTU
The Department of Chemistry at Tennessee Tech University is currently seeking applicants for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Jesse D. Carrick. The successful applicant will work on a multidisciplinary project at the interface of …
Post-Doc Positions – UAB
Dr. Burns at the University of Alabama Birmingham is seeking two post-docs. Please see the attached ads.