NSAC received a charge on April 23, 2014 to develop the next Long Range Plan (LRP) outlining the Research Opportunities and Priorities over the next decade for the field of Nuclear Science. The LRP is due in October 2015, and will be developed with significant input from the community. Four town meetings are scheduled to facilitate the contribution process:
- Education and Innovation [Graham Peaslee, Michael Thoennessen], August 6-8, 2014 at Michigan State University
- http://meetings.nscl.msu.edu/Education-Innovation-2014
- Nuclear Structure [Charlotte Elster, Mark Riley] and Nuclear Astrophysics [Hendrik Schatz, Michael Wiescher], Aug. 21-23, 2014 at Texas A&M University
- http://www.lecmeeting.org/
- QCD: Heavy Ions [Paul Sorenson, Ulrich Heinz] and Hadrons [Haiyan Gao, Craig Roberts], September 13-15, 2014 at Temple University
- https://phys.cst.temple.edu/qcd
- Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons, Neutrinos, and Astrophysics [Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Hamish Robertson], September 28-29, 2015, Crowne Plaza near Chicago O’Hare Airport
- http://fsnutown.phy.ornl.gov/fsnuweb/
The outcomes of these meetings will likely be a series of white papers that will be submitted to NSAC and the LRP Writing Committee in early 2015.
We encourage ACS NUCL members to participate in this important community activity.