James Madison University (JMU) Chemistry & Biochemistry is conducting a cohort hire for faculty to begin in Fall 2024. We seek to fill three tenure-track positions. At least one position is in nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, or adjacent areas. Successful candidates will utilize our nuclear and radiochemistry facilities and work with existing faculty to expand this part of our curriculum.
Our department is an undergraduate-only program at an R2 institution. We house over $10M in analytical instrumentation. Instrumentation that may be of interest to potential candidates includes ICP-MS, ICP-OES, intrinsic germanium high resolution gamma and X-ray spectrometers, a liquid scintillation counter, a Proteon MPC 2000 alpha beta counter with P-10 gas for alpha beta determination, a neutron howitzer with a 3 Curie Am-Be neutral source, and a variety of sodium iodide gamma ray detectors. The nuclear and radiochemistry suite (1200 ft) that houses most of this instrumentation is designed for the handling and measurement of radioactive materials and includes stainless steel benches and fume hoods. The radioisotope storage room is built with solid concrete block, contains stainless steel shelving, and a pit for radioactive waste and high activity source storage. The Madison Accelerator Laboratory is also available to JMU faculty. The MAL has a Siemens Medical Linear Accelerator, X-ray imaging and a range of detectors. More information about our high-performance computing clusters, mass spectrometry, NMR and materials characterization instrumentation may be found here https://www.jmu.edu/chemistry/instrumentation.shtml.
The department is actively committed to increasing the success of all our students, attracting faculty and students with a range of backgrounds and experiences, and creating and sustaining a more inclusive work and learning environment. We are committed to excellence in undergraduate education, research, and mentoring undergraduates to help them reach their personal and professional goals. With 25 full-time faculty members, the department offers ACS certified degrees at the bachelors level, and teaches courses in all major areas of chemistry. We serve approximately 200 majors and about 3,000 undergraduate students each year. We offer a wide variety of courses for chemistry majors, other STEM majors, general education, and pre-health professionals. Majors are actively involved in SAACS, AXE, NOBCChE, and undergraduate research.
For the tenure-track positions, a Ph.D. in Chemistry or a related field is required. Teaching responsibilities include introductory and upper division courses and laboratories, such as nuclear chemistry. Establishing an externally funded undergraduate research program is expected. Successful candidates will mentor undergraduates in research during the academic year and summer.
For more details about the position and to apply go to https://joblink.jmu.edu/postings/15577. Review of application begins October 23.